preload spinner

Factory installation

Get the wattmeter installed on your own crankset!

4iiii Offers you can get a wattmeter on your own crankset, but before you order you must pay attention to the info below.

Installation Guide (Print and Fill)

Compatibility guide and tested products

4iiii delivers the industry's lightest and best power meter with a high accuracy incl. cadence data, all with patented 3D power meter technology, which is capable of measuring triaxial load on your crank. The product is designed with a low weight of 9 grams. Likewise, it is not least incredibly durable and fully compatible with ANT + and Bluetooth 4.0.

In addition, you get a full 3 year warranty on their wattmeter, it could not be easier

PRECISION is for you who want to train smarter and move your limits based on valid data.